Basic Inventory Management

Discarding or dropping an item to the ground

It's easy to discard an item. Make sure you aren't near a stash, open your inventory and drag the item and quantity to the right side or right click to drop it. You'll notice it on the ground soon after.

Giving Items to Other Players

Giving items to other players is a great way to support your friends or make trades. To give an item to another player, you'll need to have the item in your inventory and be close to the other player. Then, you can open your inventory and drag the item you want to give to the other player's inventory. Make sure the other player has enough inventory space to accept the item, as well as enough weight capacity to carry it. To transfer a specific quantity of an item, type the quantity below the diamond in the middle of the screen.

Combining Items

Some items can be combined to create new, more powerful or useful items. For example, a plant and rolling paper can be combined to create a joint. To combine items, drag the item you want to combine onto the item that accepts it. Once you do this, a "combine" button will appear, and you can click it to combine the items. It's important to note that the quantity of the item you want to combine should be set to 0 when you do this.

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