Key binds and basic functionality
Being able to operate and control your environment makes it a lot easier to start roleplaying.
Once you have created your character, now is a great time to learn a more about the common controls to interact in the city. You can press P
, click Settings, Key Bindings and select FiveM to view all of the custom key binds in the city.
Many key binds are also commands, which can be useful for many different reasons. The most common commands are below.
/me <msg>
Conveys a thought or feeling
/do <msg>
Conveys an action your character is doing
/911 <msg>
Calls police and notifies all first responders
/311 <msg>
Calls medical and notifies all first responders
/fire <msg>
Calls fire and notifies all first responders
/mech <msg>
Requests a mechanic to your location
/calltowtruck <msg>
Requests a tow truck to your location
Toggles your mask
Toggles your shirt
Toggles your pants
Toggles your shoes
Toggles your glasses
Toggles your gloves
Reloads your skin in case of a scuff (use in seclusion)
Removes a parachute
Opens/closes your bag
Toggles your vest
/e <emote>
Plays the specified emote
Opens the emote menu
Chat dispatch for first responders
Displays your current job
Displays your current server ID
/postal <123>
Sets your GPS to the specified postal
Ends a test drive
/vol <1-100>
Changes volume for in-game radio/voice
Set your persistent personalized walk and mood; loads after each login
Join or start a group for some jobs and heists
While Walking
Hold Shift
Makes you run
Left Ctrl
Changes positions. Can look weird sometimes from other's POV.
Point Finger
Point and follow the mouse
Open Phone
Opens your mobile phone
Open Inventory
Opens your inventory
Enable Targeting
Left Alt
Activates your Third Eye, which lets you interact with many activities in the city or find secret locations
Cycle Proximity
Changes your voice from whisper, normal and shout
Places your phone into a charging station
Hands Up
Toggles your hands up so that you can comply when taken hostage or surrendering
Used for RP purposes. If you intentionally ragdoll during conflict, you must remain down and will be treated as unconscious.
Use Radio
Caps Lock
Hold to talk over radio
Hold to talk to other players
Open UI Controls
Open UI customization for icons, colors and map display
Pause Menu
Opens pause menu
Change Radio Volume
Page Up / Page Down
Changes radio volume
Cancel an emote
X or type command ec
Cancels the active emote
While Driving or in a vehicle
Use Brake
Use Handbrake
Emergency brake
Lean Forward
Bike only - lean forward
Wheelie/Lean Back
Left Ctrl
Bike only - lean backwards
Turn Left / Right
A / D
Turn left or right
Buckle Seatbelt
Buckle your seatbelt
Select a waypoint on your GPS and your car will drive you there and obey most laws. Use caution.
Cruise Control
Sets your car to a certain speed when under 100MPH. Use caution as it can become hard to steer.
Vehicle UI
Right Alt
Open the vehicle UI for controlling various vehicle options
Your phone is your lifeline to basic services such as EMS, Police or Fire. It also hosts a ton of social, financial and other useful apps. You can charge it wherever you see a ⥠symbol on your map.
If you ever lose your phone, you can buy a new one at ðŧ Digital Den.
Located downtown at postal 8042
Make sure your microphone setting is set to Push To Talk in the Voice Chat settings of the Pause Menu. If you have a dedicated room for gaming that is very quiet, you may use Voice Activated, but this server is optimized and engineered for PTT.
Last updated