
Interested in starting a gang? Learn if you are eligible below!

To start your gang in Geo City Roleplay, you will need to meet a few requirements.

  1. Geo City Roleplay must be your primary role play or GTA server

  2. You must be active 25 hours per month and an active member of the server for 14 days prior

  3. Must agree to all of the Expectations and have a deep understanding of Rules and Guidelines

  4. Gang MLOs may require an in-game money initial investment, which you can gain through your natural roleplay environment.

  5. The city owner has the final right to approve or deny an application for a gang

  6. A brief Standard Operating Procedure that defines the gang titles (4-6 recommended), special requirements (may or may not be granted) and gang bylaws. If you require a blood in/out clause, this must be included in the SOP and approved.

  7. If you have any special flags, kuttes or other material, we will do our best to accommodate but we cannot guarantee. All premade files must be optimized or we will optimize them. They cannot cause any yellow or red warnings in the FiveM server console.

Any custom assets submitted for your gang grants a perpetual license for Geo City RP to use the artwork or models. We will not transfer them or grant them to others if you decide to remove them from the server. We also will remove upon request if it does not cause any storyline ramifications, but the request will be completed as convenient for the developers. Keep in mind the license to use the content still exists, but we usually have no plans to use any former assets again.

If you meet and agree to the above criteria, you can open an SOP ticket in the Discord to get started.

Last updated