Poor / Low Effort RP
Don't let poor RP ruin the immersive experience for everyone! Put in effort to stay in character and make the roleplay more enjoyable for all!
Poor RP, also known as low effort RP, refers to a player's lack of attention to detail, immersion, and effort in their roleplay in a game or community. It is characterized by a disregard for roleplay norms, including a lack of realism, consistency, and respect for other players and their characters.
In some gaming communities, poor RP can also include disruptive behavior, such as breaking character, power gaming, or disrupting the overall flow of the roleplay experience for others. Poor RP is often seen as a negative behavior that can lead to a decrease in the quality of the roleplay experience for everyone involved.
Examples of Poor or Low Effort RP include:
Refusing to roleplay a character's motivations, emotions, or personality traits.
Breaking character frequently or using OOC information to inform IC decisions.
Ignoring established rules or lore in the roleplaying environment.
Using unrealistic or overpowered
commandsMaking decisions purely for the sake of convenience or personal gain.
Not making an effort to engage in dynamic and interactive roleplay with others.
Interrupting or disrupting other players' roleplaying experiences.
Using props or tools inappropriately or in a way that breaks the suspension of disbelief.
Not taking into consideration the consequences of a character's actions.
Failing to stay in character or using excessive emotes / scenes or out of character comments in a roleplay scenario.
Refusing to adjust your role-play based on feedback from admin when given in an official capacity such as a player ticket or mediation.
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