Green Zones
Playing to Win: Why a Win/Victory Focused Minded Approach Can Harm Roleplaying
In Geo City RP, the Green Zones are located in two places:
Inside Pillbox Medical
Inside LSIA Import Shop / Players On a LSIA Test Drive
These areas have been designated by the administrators as safe spaces where criminal activity is not allowed. They provide a space for players to take a break from the game's more intense elements and focus on medical roleplay or browsing vehicles, where they may have to tab out of the game to fully utilize.
It is against the rules to seek shelter from an active scenario by entering a greenzone. If you do this, you will be violating the rules and the other party will be allowed to continue the scene if you hide in one of these areas during a scene.
Hiding inside a one-way door (teleport), such as an apartment or house during an active scene is against the rules because typically no one else can enter the same area. The exceptions to this are public teleports, such as an elevator or other door.
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