VDM (Vehicle Death Match)
Don't ruin the fun for others in your scene by committing VDM! Play fair and keep it respectful for all players.
VDM stands for Vehicle Deathmatch. In this type of behavior, players use their vehicles as weapons to deliberately cause crashes and damage to other players or their vehicles. This is considered disruptive and against the rules of Geo City RP, and may result in consequences such as being banned or kicked from the server. VDM can also refer to similar behavior in other types of games, where players intentionally cause harm or destruction to other players or their in-game assets using vehicles. This type of behavior is often seen as disrespectful and can detract from the overall gaming experience for other players.
Examples of VDM (Vehicle Death Match) include:
Driving a vehicle into a crowd of players with the intention of killing them.
Ramming another player's vehicle off the road, causing them to crash and die.
Using a vehicle to block another player's escape route, leading to their death.
Purposely running over another player while they are on foot.
Hitting another player with a vehicle and then shooting them while they are down.
Driving a vehicle into a player's spawn point to kill them as soon as they spawn.
Deliberately crashing into another player's vehicle to cause them to explode.
Running over a player with a heavy-duty vehicle, like a bus, to kill them instantly.
Using a vehicle as a weapon to knock players off a cliff or into hazardous areas.
Blocking another player's path with a vehicle, trapping them and making them unable to escape, leading to their death.
Intentionally ramming other vehicles at speeds over 45 mph with no valid reason.
When pursuing another vehicle and attempting a PIT maneuver...
As a cop: It should be done only with superior approval and under safe conditions per SOP. No matter SOP, LEO can never attempt a PIT more than once a minute in a pursuit.
Criminals without ram bars can attempt this once every 5 minutes as a last resort only when chasing their target. If the car has a ram bar, the time is 2 minutes unless operating under police SOP.
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